Sanjay Subrahmanyam Three Ways to be Alien Travails and Encounters in the Early Modern World This book looks at individual trajectories in an early modern global context . It draws on the lives and writings of a trio of marginal figures who were cast adrift from their traditional moorings into an unknown world. The subjects include v a “Persian” prince of Bijapur in Central India held hostage by the Portuguese at Goa v an English traveller and global schemer whose writings reveal a nimble understanding of realpolitik in the emerging world of the early seventeenth century v an insightful Venetian chronicler of the Mughal Empire in the later seventeenth century who drifted between jobs with the Mughals and various foreign entrepĂ´ts, observing all but remaining the eternal outsider In telling the fascinating story of floating identities in a changing world, Subrahmanyam injects humanity into global history and shows that biography still...